Robert Finch

Robert shows a strong hatetred of the gays. He has argued it very much to anyone. And what better defense to hide being gay? I mean showing that you are against someting so strongly makes you the least obvious person to be gay. Robert just may feel that it is his worst quality and is ashamed of it. And like Riggenbach, just hide it.

Other things that Robert has lead to showing that he is gay is his being neat. Robert has no tolerance of uncleanliness. He makes sure that his room is neat, his car is clean, and his hair straight. I mean since elemntery school he has always carries a brush with him. Seem a little vain to you? Vain as in a gay person? Yea I'm stretching it.

To prove that Robert isn't gay is he has had girlfriends. Anna Dannille, Hayley Kinlaw, and Akos.

Probability of Being Gay: 8%
